Saturday, February 2, 2019

It's Happening!

It's happening. I have hesitated to write about our most recent housing experiences because I just didn't know how it would end. But now, I can tell you! It's happening. We are moving! WE BOUGHT A CONDO!

It's a long story, but a good one. So if you bear with me, I'll tell you about it!

We've been trying to find a home for over 3 years. I wan't yet pregnant with Stephen when learned about the loan assistance programs through the San Francisco Mayors Office of Housing. If you qualify, it's a pretty amazing opportunity. And we did! So we took the classes and started our search. Most of the buying opportunities are lotteries. But some are first come, first serve. All options require you to make below a certain salary, but some options give a higher bracket. The numbers take into account the size of your family too.  It's confusing but that's the gist. (If you live in SF and need details, call me!)

If you've read my housing updates, you know that we've come so close a few times but never quite won. Last year we were juggling a lot of decisions about the finances. Chris had the option for a raise but if he took it we wouldn't qualify for a majority of the housing available. But we couldn't really NOT take it either . . . we ended up putting it off a little while until we knew for certain the last home we applied for was a NO. And then in early November he got the raise. Which was awesome! And we were and are so very grateful! But we also were sad because we didn't know what that meant for our housing options. It felt like giving up on this thing we had been striving for.

Whenever I become sad over our housing situation, God meets me there. And usually within a day or two he has reminded me of all the blessings and abundance we have and he gives me a new contentment for staying where I am. And he did that again. I was ready to stay put.

And on November 25, we went to an open house for a 2 bed/2 bath condo. It wasn't a lottery property but it was listed on another loan assistance program through the city which was first come, first serve. It also had a higher salary bracket to qualify, so even with Chris's new raise we were able to apply!

We looked at it, completely open to the possibility that this was not going to work out for us again. Hopes were low, but we also wanted to give it a shot. It was a nice space. It wasn't perfect (third floor, no outdoor play are for the kids, smaller kitchen) but it was close (garage space available, in unit washer/dryer, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open layout).

Chris did all the application work again (it's like a part time job) and it was accepted and approved!  We entered the contract in mid December. We had never gotten to that step before. It was all so new and scary . . . and still in the back of my mind it wasn't going to really happen. It could stop for a number of reasons. But it kept going. We got the necessary inspections. We signed the loan papers at the bank. We signed the title papers. We signed papers at the Mayors Office of Housing, we signed more papers from our agent. It kept going. And then on Thursday, January 31 we closed.

And Chris got the keys.

It was done. We bought a condo.

And now, I can let the feelings consume me. I can let the reality sink in. That after 8.5 years of living in our apartment, after 3.5 years of looking and trying to move, I get to pack. I get to unpack. I get to make a new place my new home.

We move in 2 weeks. I will share more details with photos once we are settled. Thank you for your prayers and hanging in there with us. It's been quite a ride!

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