Monday, March 26, 2018

Bookclub: Pachinko

Last month, our bookclub read Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. It's another generational story (like Homegoing) where you begin learning about a young girl living in Korea before the war and end learning about her grandson working in America (and Japan). The author did a really nice job of telling each generations story and I felt the descriptions of scenes and culture were great and not too overpowering (where you can't follow the actual story). It really seemed effortless and natural.

There were a few parts that I didn't think were really necessary to tell the story (homosexual encounter and adolescent sex) . . . so if you pick up this book, be warned!

I was thankful to have read the book as I rarely read anything taking place in East Asia and found once again how ignorant I am of history and cultures not my own. It seems so harsh to be Korean, even in Japan, which to me seems (if I'm honest) so similar. And now, post-war there are even more divisions between North and South. It must be hard.

Others from the bookclub also enjoyed the novel.

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