Monday, November 19, 2018

Toddler B2: Two and a Half Years Old

Stephen is 2 1/2 and quickly approaching Big Boy status. He walks, runs and moves all the time. He really likes using William's scooter to get around and he's really good at it. He talks. YES, he is talking! In the last six months his language has improved a lot. He might not be the most articulate in communicating but he is using words and sentences. He usually skips the first letter in most words so they are hard to catch sometimes. Examples: Space is "pace" and high chair is "i-chair"

His newest phrase is "I'd know" which actually translates "I don't know." It is his answer to every question! He usually shrugs his shoulders too which is super adorable and makes me laugh. The other cute word he says is "ruffies" which means dog. Every time we meet a dog on the sidewalk he bends over, waves and says "Hi Ruffy." I also have to make a note that he calls William "Wilma" or "brother."

He is potty trained during the day but still wears disposable diapers at nap time and bed time. We packed our cloth diapers away in September. I'd like to say he caught on fairly quickly but in reality still isn't comfortable with #2 yet. Typically that is what he uses his nap time diaper for and I'm not really sure how to break that habit gently or hygienically.

We have been doing swimming lessons with Stephen since this summer and he really loves it. Typically he isn't timid to get into the water and he loves playing with all the toys they provide during the class. He doesn't like getting his head wet and floating on his back is still something he refuses to do; but jumping in, kicking and using his arms, blowing bubbles are all really fun.

We've gone to the beach a few times this summer and Stephen has no fear about jumping right into the water. I hang on to him pretty tight while we let the waves lap our feet. William is the exact opposite and until just recently always stayed far far away from the water.

Stephen and I went to the "Big Truck Day" event in the park. He got to "drive" a digger, loader, a muni bus, a garbage truck, a fire truck, and street sweeper! I think he loved it but may have been completely overwhelmed because I rarely saw him smile...

With William in school full time, I have become Stephen's number one play partner. We usually go to the YMCA so I can workout a few times a week and then we head over to the neighborhood rec center and play basketball in that gym. Stephen calls the Y "Mommy's gym" and the park "Stephen's gym." With this routine in place he doesn't say "No fun mommy's gym" anymore. (He really does have a good time in the childcare at the YMCA, I haven't figured out why he kept saying he wasn't having fun other than that he wasn't with me.)

Speaking of basketball, Stephen is amazing. He can shoot and pass a ball with skill. He hasn't made a basket in a real (tall) hoop yet, but he keeps trying. He can make his shot on any kid's hoop up to 5 ft high. I wasn't a basketball cheerleader when I was younger, but looks like I'll get my chance! Check out this video of both my boys shooting!

(You can enlarge the video by clicking the button in the bottom right corner)

Some of Stephen's favorite toys are: garbage trucks and trash cans, duplos, wooden blocks, and cars. He loves to paint and draw and asks to do homework whenever William is working on his school work. He also loves to look at books and be read to!

We let Stephen go trick-or-treating this year and let him have most of the candy too. This little guy has a sweet tooth like his mommy. He begs for his "treat" every morning before breakfast and several times throughout the day. We have a limit of one piece after his nap that we make him stick to otherwise, just like me, he'd be out of candy by now!

Stephen has always been super active, but in the last six months he has also become a big risk taker. He and William figured out how to go down this twist-pole on the same day and he didn't always wait for me to spot him while he made the 12-inch leap onto it! Climbing ladders, playing on jungle gyms and going down really steep slides make this mommy nervous but not my son. He doesn't think twice.

This summer and fall have been a ton of fun as he's grown and changed and become more of a little boy and a lot less of a baby. You don't hear this a lot, but I really think two year olds are awesome . . . at least my boys at age two is my favorite age.

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