Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lasting Friendship

Last week, my very good friend from college, Katie, came to visit. This was no ordinary visit. And she is no ordinary friend.

First of all, you must know that Katie was living in Australia for the past year and this visit was an on-purpose layover on her way back to the midwest. Secondly, we had not seen each other since my wedding day two years ago!

The reason I say that Katie is no ordinary friend is that she is one of the few people in my life who has never let time zones or distance get in the way of keeping in touch with someone on a regular basis. The longest Katie and I have gone without a conversation in the past six years is probably two months and that was because I was in Africa (we still emailed). I've moved to 4 different states/countries in the past 5 years and Katie has moved to 3 and keeping in touch is not easy. But we still find a way and a time to make it happen. (Skype has been wonderful to us!)

We've been friends since my junior year of college; we met during an orientation to a Campus Crusade for Christ spring break trip. I think the leader who introduced us knew we would hit it off really well. I think we met each other at the point in our lives where we were both really hungry to know God more. Knowing God and keeping each other accountable in walking the Christ-like path has been a priority in our friendship ever since. Asking, "How's it going with God lately?" is not an uncommon question for us to ask each other. I definately need a friend to ask those tough questions!

Katie is a very thoughtful person -- people are her priority. One of my favorite things about her (that I noticed within months of meeting her) is that she loves taking time to write to people. Whether that's an email, a real letter (which I received in abundance while I was overseas) or a little note card--you can be sure it is filled with encouraging words and heart felt prayers just for you. And if you're lucky, there are markers involved and doodling.

She's also a wonderful listener (that goes with making people a priority I suppose). But in all seriousness, Katie has listened to me complain, cry and laugh about everything from stupid hair cuts to crushes. She is very wise and quick to give me a Christ-like perspective. Katie was great at encouraging and praying for me when I met my husband and was going through a plethora of emotions, dreams, and doubts. I'm sure she was the first person to point out to me that I was "in love" too. She said she could tell even over the phone that I had been grinning ear to ear whenever I talked about him.

There is one more thing I want to share with you about my friend Katie. She loves adventure. She loves to travel, to see new places and meet new people. Did I mention she lived in Australia for a year? She's also spent some time in Africa and India. When I think of Katie's love for adventure, I'm reminded of her  unwavering trust in the Lord. She's trusted him through so much in life already and I know He's asking her to trust Him even more with the future.

So, back to her visit to San Francisco -- she was only here for two full days, but they were terrific. The first item on our list of things to do was to get my hair cut (I couldn't go by myself) and who better to bring with me than Katie? Then we went to the Golden Gate Bridge and Land's End. It was a bit on the foggy side, but it was still beautiful.

The next day we hung out downtown and then ended up at Fisherman's Wharf for lunch at Boudin Bakery --Yum! Then we headed home for a nap and then we went out for dinner at Cafe Cozzolino. 

Katie, thanks for spending two days with me in San Francisco! Thank you for your years of friendship. I love you dearly!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Man, now i miss Katie!