Monday, April 1, 2019

Big Boy: Five and a Half

April 1st is always known in our house as William's Half Birthday. I think when he woke up this morning he was expecting a bit of a fanfare, but settled for a hug and a few new shirts added to his closet. As has been his norm, we adjust his wardrobe to the next size right around the half-birthday mark.

We were talking about what color his eyes are -- I said blue, he said green. Then we walked by this wall that matched them exactly -- sort of a green-grey.

William is nearly done with his first year of school - Transitional Kindergarten. He has been doing really well! Big accomplishments at school: Counting to 100, learning to read, write sentences and playing well with others. He has even started to write his own books.

I brought home some "Who Would Win?" books from the library and he hasn't stopped talking about animals fighting since. When I suggested (per his teacher) we try writing a story and drawing pictures, he immediately asked to write a "Who Would Win?" book . . . and has written at least a dozen since then! He makes up the facts -- how fast a beaver runs, how much it weighs and draws what he thinks the animal's teeth look like and then writes the fight. The bear bit the wolverine, but the wolverine bit back. And today the wolverine won. . . stuff like that. It keeps him busy! And it is so fun to watch him be creative with his drawing (and spelling) and story telling.

He has made such terrific friends at school too. And during spring break last week we were able to fit in a few play dates with them too. Hoping to do more of that during the summer. Maintaining these friendships sort of falls on the parents since once out of TK everyone will be going to different schools in the fall. William just got in to one of the Spanish Immersion schools and if all goes well, he will be there thru the 5th grade (and be bilingual)!

He just started playing soccer this spring. So far seems to like it. He loves running and claims he can run 30 miles an hour. He even asks to be timed! He rides a tag-along bike to school with Chris each morning and we are hoping to get him riding his own bike (with dad at his side) this summer. Family bike trips might be in our near future!

He handled our move really well. I was surprised at how matter of factly he took it. And last weekend we put bunk beds in the boys room with Big Brother on top! He was fairly hesitant about the idea at  first but after showing him a few floor models at a nearby furniture store, he seemed to be pretty excited about it. And he has no trouble getting in and out in the middle of the night for any reason . . . water, bathroom, just to talk. Typically he does well to stay in bed but there are some evenings where he just isn't tired or can't seem to calm down to sleep.

He has been an excellent napper until this year. Which makes sense as he's older and probably doesn't need them most days. During the week we just put him down a bit earlier to bed but on the weekends we try to have him rest for at least an hour or two. And typically he does great with that. My current frustration is more with the little brother who doesn't let big brother fall asleep!

Cute Story: Last October he saw a cool costume that he really wanted. And he kept this in mind for months. I had told him if he saved up his money he could buy it for himself. Well, four months later, with the help of Christmas cash, a generous grandma, and working on some extra chores around the house had enough and bought it! I had no idea he would keep his eye set on the prize for so long and save so diligently.

He still loves being read to, still loves to cuddle up close and hug. He loves helping dad and doing things with "just the boys." He does love helping me in the kitchen when I let him. He is very generous when playing with Stephen but can be easily upset by any injustice. Usually they play very well together.

We are working on getting him back into helping with chores and earning allowance so he can save up and keep learning about money. Our move sort of thru us off our track.

The California Academy of Science has "Dino Days" happening all month.
He loved the animatronic dinosaurs (very different response from two years ago!)

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