Saturday, September 29, 2012

Messy Spirituality

About a month ago, I found this book on a freebie table at work. A co-worker had highly recommended it, so I snatched it up. Messy Spirituality by Michael Yaconelli is a very short book, about 150 pages and I found it to be a really quick read.

I really enjoyed this book. And by "enjoyed," I mean was convicted by and needed to read it. The message was simple -- life is messy, your relationship with people, the church, and even God can be messy -- and it's okay. Yaconelli reminds us that the men and women of the Bible often had messy/screwed up lives; Jesus spent most of his time with the sinners, not the "righteous;" and God's love and grace are the very best gifts for "messy" people.

I could probably read this book often -- it reminded me over and over again just how imperfect I am and how perfect and amazing my God is.  It seems I can't hear that enough!

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