Thursday, July 24, 2014

90-Days to "Be Better"

At the beginning of June, I joined for her 90-day "Be Better" Challenge. I hoped to get back into shape by partnering with Shaklee (taking their Vitalizer vitamin) and setting goals to eat better and be more active for 90 days.

My short-term goals were: 1) Get outside everyday, which had been a challenge with work and baby 2) eat healthier and 3) do something for myself once a week. An underlying long-term goal was to loose the baby weight, but I wasn't going to hold my breath. My sanity and overall health were and are more important.

It started out slowly, getting outside once a day to take a walk (sometimes as short as 10 minutes) or drive into work. Trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and less chocolate chips and crackers. The doing something for myself was a hard one. The things I found myself doing "for myself" were grocery shopping or editing photos, or cleaning... not exactly what I had in mind. But I had no time to do them during the week and they had to get done.

The first month went by, and I had felt better than I did the month before. I wasn't having headaches everyday and I wasn't feeling quite like a zombie-mom. This was a huge improvement even though the scale didn't show any change.

The second month is almost over and I've pushed it up a notch by adding the 7-minute workout to my day which I try to do twice everyday. Chris's sister introduced it to me when we were in Texas and I was hooked. (Its an app on my phone that does 12 exercises for 30 seconds each with a short break in between.)

I've started to establish a little more of a routine with Baby B and work and have discovered a peace in this new balance. I'm less anxious and stressed and can actually enjoy my time at home. With this routine, I feel I actually have time to think about what I'm eating and how I'm taking care of myself (which I haven't done for nine months). There is still a ton of room for improvement but I'm on my way. And I'm excited.

I'm looking forward to the last 30 days of this challenge. I know I can "be better."

**I didn't write about this 60 days ago because I was afraid of failure. I was afraid of letting myself down publicly. But I've come a long way in the last two months (even if you can't tell on the outside) and I wanted to be accountable for the last 30 days. I really do want to be better -- a better wife, mother and a healthy person.

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