Sunday, November 29, 2015

Advent Season Begins

I'm really excited about this year's Christmas season. We don't have a ton planned and we aren't traveling. I'm excited because William is starting to understand what is going on around him, and he's soaking it all up.

I'm excited to start an Advent calendar of sorts with him this year. It's more or less a reading plan to go with his Jesus Storybook and an activity for each day, but it should be fun. I hope he gets into it. (I hope I get into it too!)

This weekend we started decorating the house. Yesterday was cleaning day in preparation for the tree and everything else. (Am I the only one that waits to dust for this occasion?) The nativity has been set up and played with and reset up, the stockings are hung, and we have a tree! We haven't had a tree for the past two years because we were traveling for Christmas and we didn't really have the space. But we've rearranged since then (i.e. our bedroom is now in the living room and we are down to one couch) so a tree fits and our little boy hopefully won't try to eat it or the ornaments on it!

Here are a few photos from our tree-outing:

Today was the First Sunday of Advent and our sermon at church was about Thanksgiving, and not just for the food. I was really struck by how shallow my thankfulness runs sometimes and how much I actually have to be grateful for. And there is only ONE to thank . . . and it's not me. 

Here's to a great season of anticipation, of thankful hearts, and making memories!

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