Sunday, May 20, 2018

Whole 30: Day 22

"We're almost done!" I told Chris this afternoon. His response: "No, we are two-thirds of the way through this. Not all most done." I guess we're feeling a little different about this whole thing.

But I realized over the last couple of days that I have had a few slip ups without even realizing it. And a few that were intentional -- but for good reason. The intentional slip ups were tasting things I had cooked trying to discern if it was cooked, things like pasta for the kids or tofu for my neighbor. I also licked my fingers while preparing cupcakes for Stephen's birthday party (cupcakes that I didn't even get to serve because the frosting didn't turn out)! The unintentional slip ups were because I forgot to read the label before using the ingredient; things like seasoned rice vinegar, fish sauce, and a rotisserie chicken from Safeway all have sugar in them.

So, my Whole 30 is no longer perfect. But I'm sticking to it -- and no I'm not starting over. I may not have the full benefit of going 30 straight days without sugar but I am certain that cutting it out as much as I have will benefit me regardless of those slip ups. (Trying not to feel guilty about it and see the big picture.)

Things we've been eating:
Breakfast: Egg scramble with onion, avocado, spinach and potatoes
Lunch: Salad and usually leftovers from dinner the night before
Dinners: Meat and roasted veggies, baked sweet potatoes. Trying new recipes all the time. Will try to post them at the end.
Snacks: Almonds, bananas with almond butter, apples, snap peas, and carrot sticks

Recent challenges: Stephen's birthday party (Mission Mini cupcakes), William's end of year school party (so many sweets, way too many for 4 year olds!) and hanging out with friends (wine). I did go out to eat one night for bookclub and I ordered a kale salad without the cheese and then just used olive oil as the dressing. It was really good!

Our grocery bill has been a lot higher this month. I don't know the damage quite yet but seeing how much meat we go through and the fact that last week alone we went through 4 dozen eggs, I'm not looking forward to seeing the total.

8 DAYS to Go!!

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