Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First Day of Kindergarten

Yesterday was a big day-- it was William's first day of Kindergarten. He was well versed in the idea of getting ready for school and biking with dad in the morning since he did a year of Transitional Kindergarten last year. But this was a new school, a new uniform, new kids, and a new language.

He was pretty nervous (he says scared) when he left the house yesterday morning. I couldn't even get him to crack a smile for the picture. But when I picked him up at the end of the day, he was all smiles! As we were leaving, the principle asked him how his first day was, and William responded, "Great!" He didn't stop talking about recess and playing soccer with is new friends -- and one very special friend who attended the same TK as he did last year! It helps to know someone when going somewhere new. I should have taken an "after" picture!

I'm really excited for his year ahead. It's a small, community-focused Spanish Immersion school; we've already met some really great families and hope we can develop lasting relationships! And I'm hoping I can do some work on my own language learning too.

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