Sunday, October 20, 2019

2019 Walk For Life: Success

Yesterday was Alpha Pregnancy Center's Walk for Life. As I mentioned before this year was a big deal for us because we were bringing our boys along to the event -- and not just the after party with the bounce house. 

We walked and walked, all morning long. William asking every 10 minutes or so how much further we had to go. Three miles is long walk for this guy and in the end it was more like 3.75 miles but he did it! I'm so proud . . . even if he did say "I'm never doing this again" at one point. Stephen lucked out and was pushed in the stroller. We knew if we didn't bring it, our backs would take a beating trying to carry him that far. He did walk for nearly half a mile. Walking with friends helps. 

We got to walk with a lot of friends this year and we had a huge team! Dan and Val are friends from church and anytime we get to spend with them is a blessing. Dan is a great photographer too so I'm looking forward to seeing what he captured yesterday. Matthew and his daughter Catica are long time friends too. Matthew and I were on a team together for my very first walk! And Brittany is a friend through the Walk for Life. She was placed on my team three years ago and we've been friends ever since. This is our third year walking together (and the second time her mom and mother-in-law joined in!) And one more gentleman joined our team, Robert (not pictured) -- so we made another friend too!

After the delivering the gifts to Alpha's clients we made our way to the park for a big celebration lunch -- and the bounce house. And this year, the boys got glitter tattoos and cotton candy. 

(Sorry for the big-head perspective)

The directors of Alpha announced that they had raised over $8,000 through the event this year and had 150 walkers delivering gifts to 50 families! And you all blew me away with donating over $1400 to sponsor our family walking! Amazing! I'm so thrilled!

One more thing: this year I had coordinated a service project with my MOPS group to serve Alpha in a big way. We hauled all the gift items to our church so that during our 2-hour meeting we could bag them up for each parent and child. In 90 minutes we had packaged 120 gift-bags! It was an amazing event to watch and be a part of. (And a lot of work getting it ready and put away again.) 

I'm so glad my whole family could participate this year. And that I could get our MOPS group to partner with the center as well. Thank you for your prayers and support for Alpha!!

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