Saturday, November 23, 2019

Back on the Bike

I mentioned on Facebook back in May that my bike was stolen from our garage. It not only took away the reality of biking but also my excitement to start biking again.

But in October a friend of mine posted that she was looking for a specific child seat to go on the back of her new family bike so both of her kids could ride with her. The same seat that we had sitting in our closet waiting for a bike. I told her our predicament and offered her the seat since we weren't getting any use out of it. She then told me she had an extra bike with a child seat on it that she wouldn't need anymore if she took our seat. So, we swapped!

Our first bike ride was a big one. We started the morning with a mile ride to soccer practice. It was the first time I'd ridden a bike in over four years! After soccer practice we rode downtown for lunch (And yes, I was thankful to have another break even after a short ride.) After lunch we continued up the Embarcadero and made our way to Aquatic Park to watch the Blue Angels during fleet week. It was the perfect day!

The ride home was much more vigorous with a steep hill between us and home. I stopped a lot. And felt like my heart might beat right out of my chest and I would die, but we made it home. Other than some soreness the following day, I felt great. And proud that we did it. We biked as a family!

Since that first weekend in October, Stephen and I have gone on a handful of bike rides together. Usually we take it to swim class, which is just 5 blocks away. We also ride along with Chris and William to soccer practice on Saturdays and last week we took the bikes to church. I love it! The exercise is great and doing something as a family -- even as simple as a bike ride -- has been really good for us. I'm hoping we can go on many bike rides together before Stephen hits the weight limit for his seat! And we'll avoid the hills whenever we can.

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