Monday, November 29, 2010

My Thankful Heart

We stood in a circle holding hands. We were about to say grace for our Thanksgiving meal when the host, my Aunt Patsy, asked us each to share what we are thankful for this year.

Chris and I have been to Aunt Patsy's home quite a few times this year—one of Chris's several relatives that live in California. She and her husband have blessed us with that 'family feeling' over many holidays where we were not able to travel to Minnesota or Texas. Last Thanksgiving, her home was filled with family members, most of whom I was meeting for the first time.  This year, her Thanksgiving feast was a smaller gathering shared with friends, neighbors, her parents, and us. No matter how big the party, she ad her husband are gifted in making one feel at home and loved.

As I stood in that circle, looking at Patsy, I was struck by how blessed I really am. My mind flashed back to a year ago when we were unemployed and on the verge of homelessness; I didn't know anyone, much less my husband's distant relatives. And now, we have work, we have a beautiful apartment, and so many wonderful relationships. I thought, "Lord, you have answered our every prayer, you have provided for our every need (and then some)! You are truly amazing. Thank you."

I am so thankful for my family—no matter how far down the family tree they are. I am so thankful to be getting to know my husband's side of the family this year. I love that his third cousins are more like aunts to us than "distant relatives." And I can't wait for Christmas, when we'll be seeing my family again!

I am so thankful for all I have and all those I hold in my heart. May the Lord bless you richly as you wait on Him!

1 comment:

Sheryl B said...

I'm thankful, also, for those dear family members who love my son and beautiful daughter-in-law so well! How truly blessed I feel!