Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 in Review

What a year. Everyone is saying this. Everyone is thinking "Thank goodness it's over." And yes, while 2020 had a lot of really intense challenges, many of these challenges will carry into the new year as well. It isn't going to all magically heal or go away. If this Advent season has reminded me of anything, it's that my HOPE is in JESUS. Not the world, economy, politics, or even my health.

San Francisco was very restricted for most of the year. Even when things opened up, we stayed to ourselves most of the time: I went to stores a handful of times, Chris got a haircut once, we went to a museum four times and we get take-out dinner once in a while. My MOPS group gathered once a a month outside (staying distanced and wearing masks). We did a few outdoor meet-ups with friends with children and once the playgrounds opened in October, our days felt a bit more normal. While at home, the boys have gotten very good at Mario Kart video games, playing Pokemon and other card and board games, building legos and reading books together. (They love the Geronimo Stilton series... it never ends.) It has been a very quiet, slow year.

I had to laugh when I went back and re-read my post for my 2020 goals. Here's an except: 

I want 2020 to have balance of all the good things -- healthy eating, moderate and regular exercise, time in the Bible, focus on my marriage, time to myself, time with my community, focus on my kids eating better meals, focus on my kids education and friendships, wisdom in financial issues, more self-confidence, etc. I want so many things to be more intentional. 

What made me laugh? Well, the part about focusing on my community, my children's education and friendships specifically. Community changed drastically this year. When Covid-19 first arrived our calendars remained quite full with Zoom calls. Nearly every evening Chris or I had something going on. But then it dwindled. We (and others) got tired of the screen time. We still had our small groups and my MOPS group to attend virtually, but other things fell away.  

Education has been at the forefront of my mind all year. I didn't expect this when I wrote that goal.  I had been thinking about Stephen starting preschool . . . not homeschooling preschool and managing distance learning for 1st grade! But this experience has opened my eyes to many things about my children's learning experiences. William is very compliant and listens well to his teacher in Zoom class. He has a stellar internal clock and knows when he needs to be logged in without me saying much. He is fairly independent. BUT, he isn't challenged very much and when things are easy he tends to not care or try harder than the bare minimum. Trying seems like work. We need to exercise that muscle! Stephen would not do well in a distance learning environment... so praying we get this figured out by next Fall when he starts Kindergarten! He learns by active playing. He has learned a lot this year -- from watching/listening to William, from playing games, and putting up with mom's attempt to teach.

My diet plummeted as I was home all day and found myself snacking because there was nothing else to do. On the other hand, with Chris working from home since March, I started walking again each morning and in August started running a bit too. 

I did keep up with my Bible reading plan! Up until December when I switched over to the She Reads Truth Advent book - which is still scripture everyday, just not the plan I had been following. So, that goal was met! So thankful for the quieter pace to keep that a priority this year.

And the kids still refuse to eat what I make. Or rather, William flat out refuses. Stephen will try it. It is hit or miss if he eats it all or requests something else. Breaking this habit of mine/theirs has been harder than I had expected.

Other highlights from this year were:

- In February, Chris's parents took us (without the kids -- Thanks Kate for watching them!) to Napa for a weekend. We toured a few lovely vineyards and had a great time together. Then they spent a few days in the city with us so the boys could see them. It was so fun. And looking back, it is so fortunate that this happened when it did. 

- Stephen turning 4 in May, growing in speech, abilities, and cuteness all the time. William turned 7 in October; he is loosing teeth, growing taller, becoming a quick thinker and figuring out what respect/disrespect is.

- We enjoyed more nature this summer with beach trips, park hikes, and renting a row boat one morning. The boys also got better at biking! We've done one family bike day in Golden Gate Park, but otherwise Chris takes the boys and I get some stuff done at home.

 - Putting finishing touches on our home. Still many things left to do so maybe "finishing" isn't the right word... but it feels more like home now. We've been in our condo for nearly two years now! So thankful it has space for all we need to do from home these days. I also loved decorating it for Christmas.

 - Road trip to Utah to help my sister move. This is the only trip we took all year and the only time we saw my family. So grateful it happened. My sister has since then had another baby so I can't wait for when its safe to to back to meet niece (and see all of them) again.

The year wasn't a waste. We had several highlights! Plus, we loved being together as a family more. I know my boys better and they love each other more than ever before. But outside our walls, the city seems to be changing and friends have moved/are moving away. Our nation is struggling to find unity and do the right thing. There is division on so many levels. There is a heaviness from this year that will linger for a while I'm sure. So, while we had highlights and many blessings to be thankful for, we are grieving too.

That's all for 2020. Wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with HOPE, LOVE, and FAITH.

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