Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer Reading

This summer, I signed William up for the reading plan through the library right away. (Last year I didn't find out about it until the last month and scrambled to fit in 10 hours of reading to the little man.)

It turned out that reading was Williams #1 requested activity for two weeks straight and 10 hours was completed in no time! He loves reading and is much more engaged with it than he was a year ago. He even knows the key phrases like "Whoosh" or "Achoo" and "Of Course!" and chimes in at the proper times! Reading is a lot of fun. And for a while, we read everywhere: at the breakfast table, on the potty, in the bath tub.

Some of Williams favorite books include:
* Any book by Sandra Boynton -- if it can be sung, even better!
* Good Night San Francisco
* Moo!
* Cars, and Trucks and Things that Go
* Corduroy!
* Vehicles (or any book with trucks in it)
* Where's My Mommy?
* The Lazy Ladybug

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