Friday, January 27, 2012

Second Time Around the Block

Today is my second time riding my bike to work. Today was a little different. It was foggy and a little drizzly. And much colder than Wednesday. But as I type this, the skies are clear and it looks like it will be a gorgeous day. Funny how different the weather can be in 30 minutes time.

San Francisco is a pretty amazing city. We have pretty descent transportation systems that cover most of the city. It could use some updating and improvements, but by and large, it works pretty well. We also have a lot of bike lanes. Many were added or improved within the past two years. And most of them take you around the steep hills you'll find scattered throughout the city. I read somewhere that 7 out of 10 people ride bikes in the city (granted I don't think that is during the week because there are still a lot of cars on the road).

The route to and from my work is mostly flat, there is one main hill I have to deal with. So far, the drivers I have encountered have been very courteous by giving me plenty of room to ride. And the other bikers can probably tell I'm new to this so they just pass me by.

I have gotten caught up behind double-parked cars which is a pain. I've also gotten stuck behind a biker drinking coffee while riding (because I'm quite quick enough to pass yet). I also have to maneuver around buses and this morning had a semi to get around. But other than those little things that pop up during my ride, it is pretty easy.

My body is not used to riding a bike at all; on the way home the other day, I was approaching the hill and could barely breath much less pedal! My legs started shaking too. I decided to walk the rest of the way (only 2 blocks, all up hill). But my legs were so tired I could barely walk! I also am not very balanced; when I signal I'm turning, I get a little wobbly and it takes me a little while to get going again after I've come to a stop. (I know these things shout "Newbie" to those around me!)

This will take some practice! But it will be good for me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You anwered SO MANY questions. :) Thanks... have a good weekend!