Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Baby B: Five Months Old

Another month has flown by and William continues to grow and change on an almost daily basis. His newest discovery has been his toes! So cute and fun.

I have failed to keep the larger sizes of white onsies on hand so his 
photos will now be in whatever fits! And may or may not be covered in drool.

He's really into handling his toys now and was recently promoted from his activity mat to an exersaucer. He is a squirmy little guy; we've discovered that we have to buckle him into his swing now as he likes to wiggle his way out of it and no matter how tight we swaddle him, he can escape in seconds.

We've enjoyed a few outings in the stroller this month and had an impromptu picnic under a tree in the park. He loved looking at the things around him: trees, grass, rocks, the blue sky, etc. Everything but his bottle.

He definitely recognizes mom and dad and will usually give us a big smile for giving him the attention he so loves.

We started working on creating a routine and sleep training this past month. You may have read my rant here. After Chris spoke with a friend (and father of two darling children) we were encouraged not to give up and given some pointers in the "cry-it-out" method that seemed so awful and frightening for us all.

After just two days of practicing a modified cry-it-out method (checking up on William every 10 minutes or so if he was crying and not picking him up) he slept through the night! Well, he didn't sleep the whole time, but he didn't cry! He has not done it a second time, but at least he encouraged us to keep going. We needed a glimpse of hope in this department.

Our bed time routine goes like this: bath, brief massage, put on the disposable diaper and onsie, sleep sack/swaddle. Rock while singing "10 in the bed." When the little one says "good night" I put him in his crib and tell him I'll see him in the morning. And usually, five nights out of seven, he will fall asleep within minutes and not wake up for three to four hours. Success!

Nap times took a lot longer for me to get the hang of. But now, they are getting better. He will nap for about an hour three times a day. Sometimes they last longer, and sometimes we can sneak in a fourth, but I think three is good. There is still some crying going on with naps, but much less than when we started.

As nap times improve so does my energy and ability to get my work done. My routines of meal planning, grocery shopping and spending time with Chris in the evenings are all falling back into place. Now, if I could just get to the gym!

Speaking of gyms, twice a month, William and I go to a baby/mom yoga class offered at my hospital. It's a nice walk there and back and an hour of stretching does my body good. Its nice to have something that William is actually "invited" to attend so I don't have to worry about getting someone to watch him. And it's free!

William is a lot of fun at this age. I really love hanging out with him and watching his eyes take in the world (or our apartment).

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