Saturday, April 2, 2016

Celebrating Resurrection Day

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Chris was out of town during Easter weekend, so I asked a couple of friends if we could get together for dinner and a playdate on Easter Sunday. I really didn't want it to feel like an ordinary day for either one of us. Easter has always been one of my favorite celebrations.

My friend Kate has a backyard so I threw out the idea of having an egg hunt at her place and she was all for it. We invited a few more people and had a great afternoon together.

The egg hunt was a blast for everyone. I had filled plastic eggs with random things like pom-poms, stickers, rings, necklaces, and snacks of crackers, nuts, and dried fruit (all wrapped). I had purchased a few other things to go in the eggs but I hadn't realized how small those eggs really were! Filling them was more challenging than I had thought it would be.

Kate had also planned an indoor activity which was great since the day had turned chilly. Decorating hard boiled eggs with stickers and paint! William is a neat painter, never liking to get paint on himself. His friend Eleanore on the other hand, loves to get paint everywhere!

After a delicious meal of steak, hamburgers, hotdogs, and amazing salads we broke out the dessert. Rice Crispy Eggs for the kids and chocolate pie and ice cream for the adults, which were my contributions to the meal. 

It was a lovely afternoon with great friends. I was so thankful it turned out so well.

Earlier in the day, we attended church. They didn't have the nursery open so William joined me for the service. He sat well for the music, but once the sermon started, he was no longer interested. (I joked that if the pastor had sung the message, we would have been just fine). We were in and out a few times after that. The church staff had put together little activity baskets for the kids which was super sweet and helpful.

They also had an egg hunt after the service for the kids which looked really fun. He found a couple of eggs and then we headed home for nap time. . . which didn't end up happening. He had been so tired in the morning that I had him lay down for 30 minutes before church. I had no idea he would actually fall asleep and cut out the afternoon nap! That part made the afternoon a little more interesting!

Overall, it was a great day. Thanks to Grandma, he had a full Easter basket and we had fun doing the resurrection eggs I had made a few days before.

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