Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Hunger Games Continued

I couldn't wait to get into the second and third books of the Hunger Games series. I finished the second book just days before our flight to San Antonio . . . I don't know what I was thinking! Thankfully a friend had the third one so I didn't have to wait for it from the library! I could hardly put it down during my vacation with Chris's family.

These books are really easy reads (they are written for young adults btw), but the topic is an interesting one. Without giving too much away, it's a story of young teenage civilians taking on their oppressive government. It's an interesting topic, especially for young adults . . . oppressive government, war, figuring out who your allies are and who the real enemy is and what you can do about it all. I'd be interested in hearing what these high school kids think of it all!

1 comment:

Beth said...

They're obsessed with those books, hence why I read them. :) I'll have to see if I can get a little more "information" on their deeper thoughts for you. :)