Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Mother's Day

Today is my Mother's special day. The day I celebrate her. I've written about her before but this year, after having a baby of my own, I feel I have a whole new respect for her, and I find my self being in awe of all she did for us.

I've learned a few things about my own infancy: a) I never took a bottle and b) I didn't sleep through the night until I was a year old. Those two things alone make me question how my mother is alive today - and why she had four of us! Add to that the fact that my dad was rarely home to help her out with baby stuff and I really don't get it! (I rely so heavily on my husband that I cannot fathom how she did it!)

My mother never complained (to us) about how many hours of sleep she missed, how many diapers she had to change or anything. Either she had very realistic expectations of what being a mom would be like or she really loved it - dirty diapers and all! Maybe it was a combination of them both.

Over the last year, I've sought out the advice of my mother on everything pregnancy and baby related. I've been so blessed that not only does she have her own experiences but her job keeps her super up-to-date on the latest techniques and safety regulations. She has a lot of knowledge about labor, breastfeeding, infant message, car seat safety, and so much more. She has been incredibly helpful to me and baby William.

In 2013, I had three very special weeks with my mom. I don't think I've gotten to spend that much time with her since I moved away from home! Last summer, I spent a week at home seeing family and friends. My mom wasn't planning on being home since my sister was due that same week, but Charlotte waited -- so mom and I had a lot of time together.

Then in October, she spent a week with us after William was born. I don't know how I would have gotten through that time without her help. She made every meal, cleaned every (little) room and gave endless advice concerning the troubles I was having with breastfeeding. I was so grateful she could spend the whole week with us!

And of course, we went home to Minnesota for Christmas so William could meet everyone. We didn't get too much time with Mom, but once again, she out did herself again with hospitality and making Christmas a special family holiday. She even hosted a baby shower for William and Charlotte!

One of my favorite things about my mom is the focus she puts on family. If there is an opportunity to see family, or an occasion to have people over, she works to make it happen. Every year, we celebrated birthdays and holidays with grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, and cousins and sometimes neighbors.

My mom is a great mother to me and is a wonderful grandmother to William.  She never stops carrying or showering us with her love. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!

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