Thursday, July 18, 2013

MN Part Five: Time with Mom

I really didn't expect to get to spend much if any time with my mom while I was home. She had been planning to fly to Vegas as soon as my sister went into labor and her due date was literally the first day I would be in MN. So, the chances of seeing mom even one day was very small.
At the last minute, mom made arrangements to drive to Minneapolis where I would be staying with my Aunt. That way, she'd be able to see me for at least a day and be able to fly out from there. And the big bonus was that I could take her car! (I hadn't made any final arrangements on how I was going to get anywhere yet!)
But, the phone call never came. So mom stayed! We ended up having the whole weekend together and she was able to drive me to Fargo where I was staying with my brother for a few days. We had a great time together and had plenty to talk about with my pregnancy/upcoming labor/parenting.
Then, when I arrived in Plummer for the 4th of July, she was still there! It was great, she cooked for us all and showed me all the adorable garage sale finds she had for my child and we had fun together at the parade. She made plans to fly to Las Vegas on the 6th, which was the same day I was flying to California. She couldn't stand being away from Molly just knowing labor could begin any moment. We had the same flight to Denver so we had all morning together and even got to sit next to each other on the plane.
Well, if you read my post about my flight home, you already know that I got to spend the next two days with my mom and sister in Las Vegas. We had a great time together going through all my sister's little tiny baby clothes for her daughter, going shopping and trying to stay cool in the intense heat. When it was time for me to leave on Monday, my sister was still very pregnant but doing great. And I was feeling blessed that I had gotten to spend so much unexpected time with my mom.
Me at 27 weeks and Molly at 41(ish) weeks

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