Chris has wanted to buy a new bike for a long time, probably since we moved to the city and he saw the advantages of the road bike. The slim tires and the light weight frame made moving around the city seem effortless. His old bike, which is now my bike, is a hybrid. Basically it's a cross between a road bike and a mountain bike. This suits me just fine since it you sit more upright than leaning forward which is better for my low back and wrists. (My only complaint is that I have a hard time maneuvering it up and down stairs because it's big and a little heavy.)
He started saving for his new bike after his 27th birthday. He decided his birthday money would be used as the starter for his "bike fund." In June we added the bike fund to the budget and set aside a certain amount to go toward his bike every month.
It seemed to take forever! I know he was really eager to get a road bike and was envious of the other bikers who seemed to whiz by at high speeds during his commute to work. He just kept riding the hybrid and saving. Month after month. After Christmas when I started getting the nerve up to ride, he was even more eager to have it so we could bike together (and he didn't want to be bike-less).
Well, yesterday was the day! Chris purchased his new bike at a local bike shop. He had been eyeing this bike for awhile but we needed just one more month's savings in order to pay for it. Saturday was like Christmas, except he actually worked and saved really long and hard to get it.
Last night was date night. As we were getting ready, Chis asked, "So, you want to bike or drive." Wow, we have so many options now! I jumped at the chance to bike with my husband! (And I had never ridden at night and could have used a guide!) The restaurant was just down the hill and we got there in less than 5 minutes. Then after dinner we rode about a mile and a half to a friends birthday party (so part of the evening was date night anyway). The night was pretty quiet and although a little chilly, was pretty nice. We had a really great ride together.
After the party, we got back on our bikes and made the journey home. The streets weren't too busy so again it was a pretty good ride. Chris really enjoyed his bike and can't wait to get more comfortable on it.
And we both can't wait to start exploring the city on weekends together with our new mode of transportation!
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